• 國際博士後協會
  • 國際博士後協會

International PostDoctor Association (IpostDocA) Annual Dinner

I was honor to be invited by Prof. Philip Chan (Founding President – IpostDocA) to attend International PostDoctor Association (IpostDocA) annual dinner and ceremony for four Stanford/Berkeley/CSU post-doctorate certificates on 6 Dec 2016.  Tonight, the official guest was Mr. Ju Mengjun (President, Xinhua News Agency Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau; Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch; Asia Pacific Daily) (主禮嘉賓:新華社亞太總分社俱孟軍社長).  We took a photo for memory.


 (Left: Dr. Yau Pak Man, Dr. Fred So, Mr. Ju Mengjun, Prof. Philip Chan, I and Mr. Harvey Tsui (Youth Committee & Public Relations Standing Committee, CMA))

Then participants had exchanged ideas with Mr. Ju Mengjun.


Certificate presentation ceremony:

Four Stanford/Berkeley/CSU post-doctors

(Upper Left: Dr. Argus TC Chan, Dr. William Poon; Lower Left: Dr. Eddie Liu, Prof. Philip Chan)


Then Mr. Ju Mengjun presented the IpostDocA membership to us.  I was honor to be awarded as Affiliate Member of IpostDocA.  Prof. Philip Chan recognized my contribution on ANQ Congress for their postdoc student presentations since 2012.  


Mr. Ju Mengjun also presented Affiliate Member of IpostDocA to Sir Peter SP Ho (Kinton International Group Limited) and Member of IpostDocA to Dr. Argus TC Chan.


And then Prof. Philip Chan presented souvenir to Mr. Ju Mengjun and took a group photo with all PostDoctors.  


After that we took a group photo with all participants.

(出席名單: 潘偉駿博士後, 陳天聰博士後, 廖寶城博士後, 陳勤業博士後, 黎劍虹博士, 蒙嘉辉博士生, 羅秉強博士生, 羅菁準博士生, 趙卓慧EMBA生, 馬偉強博士生, 蘇汝培博士後, 李偉浩凖MBA生, 梁俊傑博士生, 邱柏民博士後, 何少波博士MH, 何展安工程師 and 徐嘉鴻凖MBA生)

Dinner started.


Mr. Ju Mengjun gave an opening remark that he appreciated Prof. Philip Chan’s invitation.  Mr. Ju said he serviced people but Prof. Chan had higher vision to service human. 


Mr. Ju gave a toast to us and we appreciate Ms. Eva Chiu (Managing Director, Masterford Investment Ltd) donated very good red wine.

