文章導覽 20230112會員動態Member News感謝香港聖約翰救護隊榮譽總監潘新標CStJ之宴請本會會長陳勤業博士後,順道送上慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年慶《新時代奮斗者》叢書;我成功入選為25 位傑出華人楷模並將事迹及肖像入编 《新時代奮斗者》叢書。 20230116感謝香港工程師學會會長卜國明工程師帝京酒店午宴交流,順道送上慶祝香港回歸祖國25周年慶《新時代奮斗者》叢書;我成功入選為25 位傑出華人楷模並將事迹及肖像入编 《新時代奮斗者》叢書。Thanks to the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Mr Ir Aaron Bok for the lunch sharing, and by the way lo send him the “New Era Strugglers” series to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland; I was successfully selected as 25 outstanding Chinese role models and their deeds and portraits will be included in the “New Era Strugglers” “Series.