• 國際博士後協會
  • 國際博士後協會

Congratulations to our Honorary Advisor, Ir Dr the Honourable LO Wai-kwok, SBS, MH, JP is awarded GBS
熱烈祝賀本會榮譽顧問盧偉國議員博士工程師,SBS, MH, JP獲頒授金紫荊星章。
Ir Dr the Honourable LO Wai-kwok, SBS, MH, JP
Ir Dr LO is awarded GBS in recognition of his dedicated community service, valuable contribution to the construction industry, as well as active participation in volunteer work and various advisory and statutory bodies. Being the Chairman of the Legislative Council Panel on Development and Deputy Chairman of the Public Works Sub-committee, Ir Dr LO provides constructive advice and leads the committees to assess and approve public works projects in a timely manner. He has also contributed greatly to spearheading efforts in gaining the support of the engineering sector and construction industry on related issues.
盧偉國議員博士工程師,SBS, MH, JP
盧議員竭誠服務社會,不但對建造業尤有建樹,亦熱心參與義務工作 和不同諮詢及法定組織的工作。他現擔任立法會發展事務委員會主席 及工務小組委員會副主席,積極建言獻策,帶領委員會適時評估和審 批工務工程項目。盧議員亦牽頭鼓勵工程界及建造業凝聚共識,成就 卓著,現獲頒授金紫荊星章。